Since 1963 Azienda Agricola Quarantasette, better known as Cantina Piovesan, has been present and active in the area of San Donà di Piave. Our fertile vines stretch across the countryside of Cessalto, the last town of Marca Trevigiana. Their roots go deep into silt-clay soil formed after the ancient floods of the river Livenza, assuring an extremely fertile soil.
The methods used by us to cultivate the vines pay particular attention to preserving the environment in which they grow and aim to protect as much as possible the quality of the grape, which is obtained by using eco-compatible methods.
The phytosanitary defence of the above-mentioned fruit is guaranteed by rigid observation of the application of the lotta integrata, while the nutritional aspect is directed towards a considerable reduction in chemical fertilizers and, at the same time, the controlled use of organic fertilizers, in order to reach the balance in the ecosystem, as well as a large increase in the degree of the healthiness of the product.
The Piovesan Wineries are equipped with the latest technology for every stage in the processing of the grape, through which the best possible quality of each individual wine is reached.